
Prophetic Principles Crucial Exegetical, Theological, Historical & Practical Insights

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Edited by Ron du Preez | 329 pages, soft cover

Note: Back when Pastor Bohr first released his study on Daniel 11, at the end of that study there was a note regarding Daniel chapter 12 which says: "There will be no commentary by Pastor Bohr on Daniel 12:4-13 because these verses have been fully addressed in the book "Prophetic Principles: Crucial Exegetical, Theological, Historical & Practical Insights" published by the Michigan Conference..."  We are happy to announce that you can now obtain a copy of this book.


The terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001, triggered an intense interest among many regarding the end of the world. Visions of a literal Armageddon, fomented by the famous fictional Left Behind series, engendered a renewed emphasis on Biblical prophecies, especially last-day events as portrayed in the Apocalypse.

Novel perspectives were proposed. Some wondered whether Islam should be included as part of the end-time persecuting power pictured in Revelation. Others began to foster a futurist interpretation of Daniel’s 1290 and 1335 day predictions. Questions crept in concerning Revelation’s trumpets, and the meaning of that enigmatic number 666.

It was this frenetic focus on final future events that highlighted the need for a Scripture Symposium on eschatology. While obviously not exhaustive in its scope, the compendium of scholarly essays in this volume of Prophetic Principles will provide the serious student with sound scriptural tools, as well as sufficient historical information, so as to correctly comprehend the Christ-centered context of these culminating cosmic controversies.

Unveiling the writings . . .

“Possibly the most enigmatic riddle in the Bible is the mystical number of the beast, six hundred and sixty six (Rev. 13:18)… [However], only in knowing the identity of the beast is there hope of solving the mystery of the number of the beast… Antichrist can be known through 666.” Yet, “the number of the beast is not six six six”! Reveal the riddle, inside…

If the “seventy weeks” (490 days) of Daniel 9 refer to 490 actual years, as historicists maintain, then why are the “three weeks” (21 days) of Daniel 10 not similarly interpreted as 21 actual years? What about the 1000 years of Revelation 20 — shouldn’t this apocalyptic number also be understood symbolically? Seek the solution, inside…

“One of the most pressing questions of this study concerns the fulfillment (or non-fulfillment) of the numerous Old Testament classical prophecies predicting the glorious eschatological, geo-political future of Israel… Have these prophecies concerning Israel failed? Will they never be fulfilled, or are they part of the divine plan for the future?” Find the fulfillment, inside…

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..Historical practical insights
Written by Charmaine Ridgely on Jun 26th 2024

Very well written and very helpful.

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