Last Generation Theology Symposium: Anti-Gospel Heresy or Bible Truth?
This series is a 2-Volume Set with 32 presentations total.
16 presentations in Volume One (8-DVDs). 16 Presentations in Volume Two (8-DVDs).
Available presenter notes are posted on our home page.
What is Last Generation Theology? Very likely you've heard this phrase in the church during the past few years. Is it an anti-gospel, legalistic heresy, as some have alleged? Or is it the Bible-based rationale for the existence, message, and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist movement? The purpose of this symposium is to take these questions to the Bible and the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy, and to thus discover God's answers.
Speakers/Pastors listed alphabetically:
- Stephen Bohr
- Rich Constantinescu
- Fred Dana
- Gerzon Gomez
- Akeem James
- Kevin Paulson
- Dennis Priebe
- Dojcin Zivadinovic
- C.A. Murray (in Q & A Sessions)
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