Women's Ordination Symposium
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- Introduction of the Subject and Symposium Details by Stephen Bohr
- The Impact of Spiritualism on Feminism and Gender Issues Today by Laurel Damsteegt
- From Mohaven to TOSC: How We Got Here by Dr. Mario Veloso
- Male Headship in the Old Testament by Dr. John Peters
- Male Headship in the New Testament by Dr. Ingo Sorke
- Hermeneutics: Universal Principles and Local Application First Panel Discussion
- Straw Man Arguments in Favor of Women's Ordination by Eugene Prewitt
- The Present Relevance of 1 Timothy Part 1 by Pastor Don Mackintosh
- The Third Option: A Way Forward or a Step Backwards? by Pastor Jim Howard
- Are Liturgical and Organizational Matters Important? by Daniel Mesa
- Regional Ordination: A Path To Congregationalism? Second Panel Discussion
- Reply to NAD and Other Pro-Women's Ordination Arguments by Dojcin Zivadinovic
- Women's Ordination and the Jerusalem Council by Dr. Phil Mills
- Ellen White's View of Women in Ministry by Dr. Isaac Olatunji
- The Present Relevance of 1 Timothy Part 2 by Pastor Don Mackintosh
- Male and Female Created He Them by Julie Mesa
- My Story and the Hermeneutical Question by Dr. Raymond Holmes
- Spiritual Gifts and Church Office by Allen Davis, Ph.D
- The Priesthood of all Believers Third Panel Discussion
- Counterfeit Spirituality, Counterfeit Salvation, and the Ordination Controversy by Pastor Kevin Paulson
- Town Hall Meeting Fourth Panel Discussion
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