They Lived Happily Ever After
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Speaker: Pastor Stephen Bohr
Learn Biblical principles for a happy marriage and see how the Marriage of the Lamb is a pattern for the human marriage.
- The Sacrament of Marriage
- Subordinate but Equal
- Husbands Love your Wives
- The Five Pitfalls of Marriage
- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
One of the greatest crisis's we face in the world today is the disintegration of the meaning of marriage and the family. Unhappiness, divorce, broken homes, selfish practices and sexual perversions of every kind pervade society and even the church. What happened to the "happily ever after" that everyone hopes for when they start with a fairytale-like wedding day?
Pastor Bohr firmly believes that the reason so many marriages today are in such disarray or just simply existing is because we have gone astray from the biblical foundations and principles that God set up for its protection, life, and happiness. This extremely helpful and much-needed series lays out the reasons God made marriage and examines the "owners manual" our Designer provided to keep it running smoothly. God gave both marriage and the Sabbath to mankind in Eden as protectors of both human and divine relationships and these are the very things Satan has twisted in order to destroy a happy and peaceful society and unified, doctrinally pure, and spiritually thriving churches.
Pastor Bohr discusses the following vital principles for a happy marriage and family:
- Why is it so important to marry someone who holds the same doctrines, faith, practices, and belief system you do?
- What does the Bible mean when it says that God provided a "helper suitable" for Adam?
- How does the fact that Eve was taken from Adam's side apply to marriage?
- How does the fact that Adam was created first and named Eve apply to marriage?
- How should we go about looking for a mate?
- How important is it for a mother to be as much as possible with her children?
- How do the relationships between the Father and Jesus and between Jesus and His church illustrate the privileges, blessing, and glory that a woman is given in being subordinate to a man?
- How does Jesus as being the "Husband" of the church illustrate how husbands are to treat their wives?
- How can one be both subordinate and yet equal as Jesus tells us He is in relation to the Father?
- Is an overemphasis on demanding "women's rights" harmful in any way to the order and happiness that God designed for marriage and the church?
- Did God design it to be a degrading, hurtful, cruel and stifling thing for women to be subordinate to men in the home and in church leadership?
- Are we to submit to any kind of treatment or expectation any person in authority wishes, just because we are to counseled to "submit" to our parents, our church leaders, our governors, and our husbands?
- How can we truly implement the balance of the Scripture principle: "Let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence (respects) her husband" (Eph. 5:33)
- What does all this have to say about the push for women's ordination in the church?
- What does Jesus' sticking through all He went through because of His love for us say about the easy "escape clause" divorces people today want if "things don't work out"?
- How does the existence of "agape" love prove the necessity of the beautiful doctrine of the Trinity?
- What lesson can we learn from words Christ spoke which "set forth the great principle which is the law of life for the universe" (DA 21)?
- Which driving principle of Lucifer's is the root cause of all problems in marriage and in all other relationships in society?
- Why, with so many of the marriage seminars out there that entertain and make you laugh, is there so little real long-term success?
- What core secret for success do most marriage counselors leave out?
- What principles can we learn to apply to marriage from comparing Ephesians 5:25-27 with the illustration of the bride of Christ in Revelation 19:7-9, who is depicted as being clothed with pure white garments and is ready for the "marriage supper of the Lamb"?
- How does the failure of many Christians to see the importance of combining both justification and sanctification in their Christian experience cause many who are part of the bride of Christ to be unprepared for an eternity spent with Him?
- How does the work and responsibilities required in married life after the wedding day, to build it solidly to live "happily ever after", illustrate the Christian's life after baptism in every aspect?
Pastor Bohr shares his deep convictions that only when each of us are truly converted to God; when sin, selfishness, and pride are dealt with in the life; when we long for and ask for His love to be poured out in us; and when His methods, laws, principles, and appointed order are placed first as our guide in our marriages, our churches, and in our relations with society, can there be found any true success in relationships of any kind.
This series is perfect both for married couples and singles who hope to marry, who long to discover rock-solid principles that will produce meaningful and fulfilling life, love, and happiness the way God intended it to be.
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