
The Wise Shall Understand - PDF Download

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This material is the result of years of study, reflection, research, organizing and writing. Its objective is to present our precious message in a profound yet simple manner gleaning the gems of truth from Scripture and the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy. In order to continue offering this free digital download, we need your financial support. Please consider donating so we can continue to reach as many people as possible around the world for God's kingdom. If you prefer to have a hard copy shipped to you, click here.

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When speaking of the great deceptions in the last days, what does it take to be wise or one of the very elect? Understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, and their literary structure. The understanding of the wise also takes place within the electrical currents of the mind. Explore the biochemistry behind Satan's most successful chemical attack on brain function.  Knowledge of truth must be imbued with the precious graces of faith, hope and love in order to attain completeness and excellence in becoming Christlike. The insights presented will help you to combine both mercy and truth together to form a potent life of winning appeal when sharing your faith.  Witness the Bible come to life through this series, and personally experience God's guarantee that "the wise shall understand!"

Study Notes Chapter Titles:

1. The Structure of Daniel 1-7 (Chart) 2. Four Prophetic Outlines of Daniel (Chart) 3. Lesson #1: Daniel’s Little Book 4. The Structure of the Great Controversy and Early Writings as compared to Daniel 11 Revelation (Chart) 5. Similarities between Daniel 11-12 & Revelation 17-22 Stages 1-5 (Chart) 6. Similarities between Daniel 11-12 & Revelation 17-22 Stages 1-3 (Chart) 7. Similarities between Daniel 11-12 & Revelation 17-22 Stages 4-5 (Chart) 8. Lesson #2: Ellen White’s View of Daniel 11 9. Lesson #3: Daniel 11:44-12:1 and the Close of Probation 10. Lesson #4: The Sanctuary and the Book of Revelation 11. Salvation History and the Sanctuary in Revelation (Chart) 12. Lesson #5: Pivotal Texts in Revelation: Intros, Bridges, Foretastes and Flashbacks 13. The Literary Structure of Revelation 12-22 (Chart) 14. Chronology of Revelation 10 (Chart) 15. The Literary Structure of Revelation 11:1, 2 16. An Overview of the Seven Trumpets (Chart) 17. Lesson #6: Notes on Revelation 12 18. Lesson #7: The Battle of Armageddon: The Importance of Structure in the Study of Typology, How Ellen White Interprets Biblical Typology 19. Lesson #8: Decoding the Mysteries of Revelation 17: A Contextual Study 20. Leviathan (Graphic) 21. The Imagery Behind Revelation 17 (Graphic) 22. The Millennium in Five Sources (Chart) 23. Lesson #9: The Importance of Literary Structure in the Study of Bible Prophecy: Revelation’s Millennium 24. Lesson #10: The Role of Ellen White in Prophetic Studies

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The Wise shall Understand
Written by Franck Mukendi on Mar 17th 2021

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"The Wise Shall Understand"
Written by Barbara Myers on Apr 18th 2020

These notes from Pastor Bohr, whether it's this book or the other books from Pastor Bohr. I found them very informative and easy to understand.

The Wise Shall Understand
Written by Lisa Keehn on Jun 25th 2018

So informative! Awesome. I have to read over the notes several times to let it sink in. I have never come across such an in depth study as Secrets Unsealed. In fact in my experience, the church does not even cover half of this information. Thank God for Secrets Unsealed?

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