The Judgement - Its Events and Their Order (Restoring the Old Landmarks)
Author: J.N. Andrews | soft cover, 111 pages
"John N. Andrews' book, The Judgement. Its Events and Their Order, is a true 'hidden treasure'. Being the first volume of this new series, which aims to print selected books by Adventist pioneers, this issue deals with the subject that is the foundation of Adventism: the judgment and cleansing of the sanctuary. However, except for his masterpiece, The Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14:6-12, in this little book, the author offers us a masterly synthesis of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ as High Priest in the sanctuary 'not made with hands' (Heb. 8:1-6). At this solemn time, when the door of the sanctuary still remains open to give us grace and salvation, our attention is now required to be fixed on the teaching of the judgment and the order of its events, as expressed by its author. 'The work to be accomplished is of immense magnitude.' Our salvation and eternal destiny are at stake." Allan Bornape, Adventist Pastor and Editorial Director of Arrow of Salvation.
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