
The Great Prophecies of the Old Testament Part 1 - PDF Digital Download

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Author: Pastor Stephen Bohr

In this Anchor class we will study in detail some of the minor prophets that are closely linked with the book of Revelation. Among those are Habakkuk, Nahum, Joel and Jonah. We will also study portions of the major prophets that are developed in the book of Revelation such as Jeremiah 4, Isaiah 24-27, 36-38 and Ezekiel 38-39 among others. But this is not all, we will also compare God’s perspective of prophecy and ours as well as prophecies that are rarely considered, such as the typological meaning of the cities of refuge, the glory on the face of Moses as he descended from the mount, and the typological parallels between the building of the Jerusalem wall by Nehemiah and our parallel work today.

Lesson #1 - God, History, Prophecy, Time and Eternity
Lesson #2 - The Certainty of God’s Promises
Lesson #3 - The Vision of Orderly Confusion 

Lesson #4 - Sighing and Crying in Jerusalem
Lesson #5 - Babylon’s Infuriating Wine
Lesson #6 - The Typology of the book of Habakkuk
Lesson #7 - The Just Shall Live by Faith
Lesson #8 - The Truth About the Final Generation 

Lesson #9  -  Isaiah 24:6: Three Sins that will Destroy the World
Lesson #10 - Isaiah 24:21-23: Satan’s Millennial Prison House
Lesson #11 - Reflections on Isaiah 25: ‘Lo, this is our God'
Lesson #12 - Reflections on Isaiah 26: ‘Arise and Sing
Lesson #13 - Isaiah 27: The Defeat of Leviathan 

Lesson #14 – Israel's Gathering and the Scattering Prophecies
Lesson #15 - Ezekiel 36-39: The Invasion of Gog from Magog
Lesson #16 - Isaiah 36-38: The Typology of Senaquerib’s Invasion
Lesson #17 - The Typology of the Book of Joel
Lesson #18 - The Meaning of the Word ‘escape’ 

Lesson #19 - Ellen White and the Last Three Plagues
Lesson #20 - Ellen White’s Interpretation of Daniel 11:40-12:3: A Deductive Study 

Lesson #21 – The Historical Background of Jonah
Lesson #22 - The Roles of God and Jonah
Lesson #23 - God, Jonah and Missions
Lesson #24 - The Sovereign Providence of God
Lesson #25 - The Characters of God and Jonah
Lesson #26 - God, Man and Prayer in Jonah
Lesson #27 - Typology in Jonah
Lesson #28 - The Three Days and Three Nights 

Lesson #29 - Creation, De-creation and Re-creation
Lesson #30 - Lessons from a Forbidden Tree
Lesson #31 - The Typology of Rebuilding the Jerusalem Wall - The Historical Type
Lesson #32 - Rebuilding the Jerusalem Wall—The Eschatological Antitype 

Lesson #33 - It is Finished—Seven Times
Lesson #34 - In all Things Give Thanks
Lesson #35 - A Refuge in a Time of Storm

5 based on 11 reviews. Leave a Review.
Review of the Great Prophecies of the Old Testament
Written by Bennie Thomas on Jul 22nd 2024

This series is a must for all serious Bible students who want to know more of God's word.

The great prophecies of the old testament
Written by Munjile Michelo on Jul 22nd 2024

Pastor Bohr a journey with you into spiritual discovery is always an amazing one...May the grace of our Lord Jesus shower you with more wisdom and understanding

Great Prophecies of the OT
Written by Emma on Jul 20th 2024

A great blessing for such a time as this. Such deep spiritual insight & understanding that only comes from the Holy Spirit's guidance. Thank you Pastor Bohr & SUM. No other ministry I know gives out precious truths like these for free. May the Lord prosper your ministry abundantly!

Written by Henry Aldrich on Jul 18th 2024

Pastor Bohr is the gold standard In Biblical teaching. Thanks be to God.

Amazing Study
Written by Kofi on Jul 10th 2024

This study is truly a blessing.

The Great Prophecies of the Old Testament Part 1
Written by Pascal Machabango on Jul 1st 2024

I am truly blessed by these lessons

Study guide
Written by Ann Hanel on Jun 26th 2024

Very good! I love the detail, learned alot.

The Great Prophecy of the Old Testament
Written by James Carbonell on May 14th 2024

Having watch the video is very overwhelming/touching/....but having an outline copy may bring great learning esprcially when you have a heart to share it to others.

The Great Prophecies of the Old Testament Part 1
Written by Yasmin Wong on Apr 8th 2024

Stephen Bohr puts elbow grease when it comes to all of his biblical masterpieces. The Great Prophecies of the Old Testament Part 1 is no different. I do not have access to a church family so I rely heavily on SUMTV and Clash of Minds and I must say that Stephen Bohr makes it impossible for anyone to stand before the Father in that great day and say, I didn't know. This man puts out so much material that covers a myriad of topics and tops it off with providing the study notes for free. He is not about lining his pockets but getting God's messages to His people. The Great Prophecies of the Old Testament Part 1 will not disappoint and promises to increase your walk, faith, love and peace in God the Father and His precious Sin. Thank You Pastor Bohr, Blessings.

The Great Prophecies of The Old Testament
Written by Charmaine Ridgely on Aug 4th 2023

It would take more space then this comment section has to explain, how much I appreciate Pr. Stephen Bohr’s knowledge of God’s Word, Old and New Testaments. I am thankful for this information, it is easy to understand. God bless.

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