The 2 Mysteries Collide
Speaker: Akeem James | 8 Presentations on 4 DVDs
Christ is the mystery of godliness incarnate and is revealed in God's Church (Col. 1:26-27).
In opposition, the mystery of iniquity also produces a church called "the man of sin." The man of sin ultimately paves the way for the mystery of iniquity incarnate, Satan personating Christ's second coming. Each mystery produces a church, and both of these churches collide in the end, but God's people will prevail.
- The Mystery of God Incarnate
- The Mystery Produces
- The Falling Away
- The 2 Churches & Their Messages
- The Unleashing of Opposing Spirits
- Christ & His Ultimate Counterfeit
- The 2 Mysteries Collide
- The Shield of God
About The Speaker:
Akeem James was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. He lived there for 12 years, and then came to the United States at the age of 12. In 2005 he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ due to a series of prophecy meetings held by Amazing Facts. In 2007 he was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Having a great desire to share Jesus, His love, and His end-time message, Akeem started a ministry by the name of Ultimate Cry in 2012. Since that time, he has attended Washington Adventist University for his Bachelors in Theology, Andrews University for his Masters in Divinity, and currently he is acquiring a Masters in Social Work. All the while he has continued to grow in ministerial experience which has given him the opportunity to live out his greatest desire, which is communicating to others the message of salvation through Jesus Christ alone.
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