
Studies on Daniel 11

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267 pages - Spiral bound


The interpretation of Daniel 11 has been a challenge in the course of Adventist history. The plethora of historical details in the first half of the chapter and the symbolic expressions in the latter half have challenged historians and theologians alike. In this study, Pastor Bohr does a phrase by phrase study of Daniel 11:30-12:3. Taking into account the literary structure of the chapter and using proper hermeneutical principles, Pastor Bohr offers an interpretation that follows the time-honored historicist method that interpreters have applied to Daniel 2, 7, and chapters 8 and 9. You will be particularly blessed by Pastor Bohr’s analysis of Daniel 11:40-45 where he traces Ellen White’s inspired understanding of the text.

Chapter Titles:

  • Introductory Matters
  • Structural Issues and Principles of Interpretation
  • The Papacy's Past Career
  • The Papacy's Future Career
  • God's People Delivered
  • A Fresh Look at Daniel 11:40-45
  • The Typology of Senaquerib's Invasion
  • Joel 2:32, Acts 2 and Revelation 14
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Studies on Daniel 11
Written by Tommie Everett on Mar 16th 2021

I have long anticipated this study. The study on Daniel is now complete. Thank you Pastor Bohr. I have one , question, on page 4, is a reference to TC vol. T, p. 182, is that correct?, I have no vol. T. Note to Tommie, Thank you for finding this typo. The correct reference is: Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, p. 182

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