
Revelation's Seven Seals: Studies in Revelation 4-8 - PDF Download

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This is Pastor Bohr's Revised Expanded Edition.

This material is the result of years of study, reflection, research, organizing and writing. Its objective is to present our precious message in a profound yet simple manner gleaning the gems of truth from Scripture and the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy. In order to continue offering this free digital download, we need your financial support. Please consider donating so we can continue to reach as many people as possible around the world for God's kingdom. If you prefer to have a hard copy shipped to you, click here.

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What do the seven seals mean? Must we understand then literally or symbolically? What principles must we apply to them in order to understand their true meaning? This ANCHOR series, will decode the meaning of the seals verse by verse by applying historicist principles, and answer the following questions:

  • What principles must we apply to the study of the seven seals?
  • Do chapters four and five depict the judgment scene that began in 1844 or do they apply to Christ’s inauguration upon His ascension?
  • Who are the four living creatures and the 24 Elders?
  • What do the four horses represent and why are they different colors?
  • Who are the souls that are crying out from under the altar?
  • Must we understand the great earthquake and the signs in the sun, moon, and stars literally?
  • Who are the 144,000 and when will they live? Is the number literal or symbolic?
  • What is the half hour of silence in heaven when the seventh seal is broken?
  • What relevance do the seven seals have for my own personal walk with Jesus?

Revelation’s seven seals (Revelation 6:1-8:1) have long been a topic of animated discussion among Adventists, Protestants and the world in general.

5 based on 14 reviews. Leave a Review.
Excellent Material
Written by ANGELA on Jul 8th 2024

I am grateful to Pastor Bohr for generously providing this scholarly resource free of charge. The material is written in plain English, making it accessible to people with varying levels of education. I particularly appreciate that Pastor Bohr includes references in the material.

Revelation's Seven Seals
Written by Anthony on Dec 24th 2023

Again, cannot thank Pastor Bohr enough for providing this material to the General public. Outstanding!

Revelation Pdf’s
Written by Andrea Guillen on Mar 25th 2023

I just want to say thank you for all the information you allow us to use to study the book of Revelation. It’s actually making much more sense. It fits like a puzzle. Thanks again

Written by RICARDO BRAVO FLORES on Dec 4th 2022

Ojala los pudieran publicar todos sus manuales en español tambien...bendiciones

Thank you
Written by KJ on May 22nd 2022

Such a blessing for the Lord to speak to his servant pastor Bohr through His Word and through His Spirit, and for us as fellow bondmen to receive instruction in righteousness.

Love it
Written by Dorcas on Mar 12th 2022

We been studying in the church and God is just showing us the true!

Seven Seals
Written by Dawn de Rozairo on Dec 1st 2020

Fully recommend the studies, i love to hear and study the Word of God, therefore it is very helpful. Thanks for the free copy. God's Word should be spread freely as much as possible.

Revelation's Seven Seals
Written by Charmaine Blythe on Sep 17th 2020

Still working through the material but finds the material is very scholarly and deep. Brings much light ( eye openers in some cases) and does require that I be much slower in my study which I appreciate. Thanks for making them available.

Revelation's Seven Seals
Written by Barry Opseth on Sep 6th 2020

I enjoyed watching your presentation and these notes are a terrific adjunct to the videos. Thank you so much. God Bless your hard work pastor Bohr.

Study Notes
Written by Barbara Myers on Jul 2nd 2020

Thank you Pastor Bohr. Your notes are easily understood.

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