
Revelation's Seven Seals: Studies in Revelation 4-8 - 2nd Expanded Edition

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Speaker/Author: Stephen Bohr

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The Study Notes Contain 455 pages, spiral-bound. | There are 24 presentations on 12 DVDs.

Revelation’s seven seals (Revelation 6:1-8:1) have long been a topic of animated discussion among Adventists, Protestants and the world in general. The Sabbath School quarterly recently dedicated three lessons to this topic. Obviously, it is impossible to comprehend fully the meaning of the seals in just three short lessons so we will dedicate an entire week to their study.

What do the seven seals mean? Must we understand then literally or symbolically? What principles must we apply to them in order to understand their true meaning?

In this ANCHOR class study, we dedicate an entire week to decode the meaning of the seals verse by verse by applying historicist principles. Not only will we study the seven seals, per se, but also the magnificent introductory vision in chapters four and five as well as the prophetic interlude of Revelation 7. We will answer questions such as the following (and many more!):

  • What principles must we apply to the study of the seven seals?
  • Do chapters four and five depict the judgment scene that began in 1844 or do they apply to Christ’s inauguration upon His ascension?
  • Who are the four living creatures and the 24 Elders?
  • What do the four horses represent and why are they different colors?
  • Who are the souls that are crying out from under the altar?
  • Must we understand the great earthquake and the signs in the sun, moon, and stars literally?
  • Who are the 144,000 and when will they live? Is the number literal or symbolic?
  • What is the half hour of silence in heaven when the seventh seal is broken?
  • What relevance do the seven seals have for my own personal walk with Jesus?

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