Living Longer and Better - Dr. Larry Beeson - DVD Set
In this lecture, Dr. Larry Beeson discusses why Seventh-day Adventists as a whole live longer than the average person. He includes information from various Adventist health studies, as well as the results of over 50 years of research done by himself and others at Loma Linda University.
Some of the results of these studies appeared in a National Geographic magazine article about longevity a few years ago. Dr. Beeson discusses foods and health practices which increase the risk of, as well as those which help to delay or prevent, various diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, stroke and heart disease, colon, prostate, ovarian, and other forms of cancers.
He shares statistics proving that the eating of flesh foods is directly related to most diseases. These studies uncovered some findings that may surprise you about the value of eating nuts several times a week for significantly increased protection against heart disease. The highly protective health benefits of tomatoes and soy milk also are especially brought out in this lecture.
Find out how diet and poor health habits can translate into the disease process and how plant-based foods, adequate water, regular exercise, and even church fellowship are factors that can add up to 10 healthful years to your life.
This very helpful and informative presentation is excellent to share with people of all faiths, as more and more people are seeing the dangers inherent in a diet largely composed of animal food.
82 minutes long.
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