In The Beginning: Returning To God's Plan
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DVD Speakers: Pastor Stephen Bohr and Pastor Randy Skeete.
199 pages of Pastor Bohr's study notes on the following topics:
- Traditional Marriage: Still Valid?
- Biblical Evidence for Male Headship
- Because of the Angels
- God’s Leadership Pattern In Scripture
- Reflections on the Hermeunitcs of Women’s Ordination
- Issues Relating to the Ordination of Women with Special Emphasis on 1 Peter 2:9, 10, and Galatians 3:28
- Reply to Some Women’s Ordination Arguments
What are the distinctive roles of men and women in the home and in the church? Are their roles equal and interchangeable? What was God's plan for men and women from the very beginning? In his presentations Pastor Bohr develops, from the first two chapters of Genesis and the rest of the Scriptures, God's plan for loving male headship in the home and in the church.
Randy Skeete presents a powerful call to holiness, and his presentations center on God’s primary and eternal title of Creator and Sustainer. He elaborates on the awe-inspiring power required to complete these acts, giving purpose to all that His Word accomplishes. With the observation that our God will not always maintain the office of Savior, His unfathomable love as Savior has proven to be His most costly role and is a commanding appeal to our personal holiness. Pastor Skeete’s build a solid foundation of how we can bring glory to the name of the Almighty One and maintain a saving relationship with Him to Whom we owe everything.
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