God's Plan for End-Time Wellness Centers
Hal Mayer has many years of experience in educational and health leadership. He has been involved in the establishment and management of a number of health and wellness centers from the United States to Sweden, Brazil and Australia. He brings his broad experience in health and wellness centers together in this unique and important seminar on running Health Ministry in these last days, with special emphasis on starting and running residential wellness centers in the unique circumstances of our times. His work in Australia with Abide Wellness Retreats in Victoria and South Australia has added considerably to the wealth of these presentations. In this powerful series, Hal partners with Secrets Unsealed and shares his experience as well as the relevant counsel from God’s prophet along with its application in our modern circumstances. This fascinating and inspiring seminar is indispensable for every Seventh-day Adventist and will empower your understanding of how God works with health ministry today.
- Medical Missionary Work in the Bible
- Jesus, The Greatest Medical Missionary
- First Principles Part 1
- First Principles Part 2
- The Role of Self-Supporting Work
- Location and Buildings
- Collaboration with Schools
- The Blueprint, Physicians and Workers
- Methods of Working
- Business Practices, and Conclusion
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