From Riches to Rags
How do we explain why Jesus is called the "Son" of God, even before He came down to earth as a baby, yet He is also fully God and never had a beginning?
What steps did He take, not only while He was here on earth, but also in ages past, in subjecting Himself to the Father's will?
What role will he play in eternally subjecting Himself when He is done destroying sin?
In this sermon, Pastor Bohr discusses Jesus' standout characteristic trait of humble condescension as opposed to Satan's attitude of self and sin. You will learn why the Bible calls Him "Michael the Archangel" and "The Angel of the Lord". You will see His role in Old Testament times in preparing the world for His coming and how He came as a humble Baby born in a cattle's feeding trough. He had no worldly honor or trappings that accompany earthly monarchs, but faced mockery and scorn, when evil men beat and disfigured Him during His passion in paying our penalty for sin.
Jesus calls us to take His yoke upon ourselves and follow His meek and lowly life style instead of selfishly living in indulgence, vanity, and ostentation. Instead of demanding our rights and seeking position and power in relating to the world and to fellow church members, we are to "let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus" and learn the joy found in condescending in loving service to God and humanity as He did.
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