Equal but Different
Speaker: Stephen Bohr
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Excellent series on women's ordination!
- Subordinate But Equal
- What's Up With Women's Ordination?
- The Case for Male Leadership
Does the Godhead have anything to teach us concerning the roles of men and women in the home and in the church? Is it possible for two beings to be equal as beings and yet to fulfill different roles? Is it possible for two beings to be equal and yet have one in subjection to the other? What biblical evidence do we have for the roles of men and women in the home and in the church? Did the headship role of man in the home and in the church exist before the fall, or was it part of God's original plan? From a Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy perspective these and other questions are clearly answered in this series.
2 DVDs with 3 presentations | Also available on Blu-ray
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