Your Redemption Draweth Nigh
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In these study notes, Pastor Bohr explains how each chapter of Daniel 8-12 centers on the 2300 days and the pre-Advent Investigative Judgment. It is impossible to understand Daniel independently of chapters 9-12 because they all have the same central theme. Furthermore, it is impossible to understand fully these chapters without a careful study of Revelation 10. These study notes will be an invaluable companion to the last Sabbath School lessons for this quarter.
Speakers in this series:
- Stephen Bohr
- G. Edward Reid
- Dr. Norman McNulty
- Dr. James Marcum
1. Go Thy Way and Seal the Book
2. Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh
3. Why Are We Sick
4. Making Changes Today
5. Preparing for the Lion's Den
6. The Mighty Angel from Heaven
7. Unity vs. Conformity
8. Abraham and the Three Angel' Messages
9. The Angel's Oath
10. Preparing for Satan's Last Big Temptation
11. The Evidence of Worship
12. For Such a Time as This
13. Time No Longer
14. Daniel 11 and the End of the World
15. Living in the Day of Atonement
Pastor Bohr's presentations: There is no passage in Scripture that describes more accurately the origin, identity, message, mission and destiny of the Seventh-day Adventist Church than Revelation 10. In this verse by verse study, Pastor Bohr explains this chapter phrase by phrase showing its striking fulfillment in the great Advent Movement of 1844. This study will bolster your faith in the divine origins of the Remnant Church.
G. Edward Reid covers Daniel 3, 6 and Revelation 13:17. His topics are based more on getting ready than on being warned about the current dangers.
Dr. Norman McNulty's life changing presentations focus on the need of faith, surrender, and conversion for the last days.
Dr. James Marcum discusses the cause of chronic health problems, the current approach taken by modern medicines, and how our culture and world events play a role in health, giving Biblical prescriptions to change your physiology. Abundant evidence proving the scriptures are relevant to all aspects of our lives, and he presents the benefits of worship to the chemistry and physiology of the body. Worship changes the physiology.
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