What's Next?
Author: Steve Wohlberg
Retails for $10/per package of 100 tracts.
Size: 4.25" x 2.75"
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What’s Next? is a new, cutting-edge, “present truth” tract written by Steve Wohlberg with a cover that will grab almost anyone’s interest. What’s coming after the coronavirus pandemic that has caused so much heartache? The answer is in this tract! When people open What’s Next? they will be led into a concise Bible study about the soon-coming crisis when “no man might buy or sell” (see Revelation 13:16,17). They will learn exactly who the beast is, what its deadly mark is, about the Protestant Reformation, and about the importance of surrendering one’s heart to a Savior whose infinite love compelled Him to bear our sins on a cruel cross. They will then be invited to join His growing army of loyal believers who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. In one short read, they will discover the BIG ISSUES that will soon face every soul.
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