To the Law and to the Testimony
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The Study notes have 247 pages, spiral bound. | DVD set has 12 presentations on 9 DVD including the Q & A session.
- Lessons from the Pantheistic Crisis - by Stephen Bohr
- Unholy Spiritual Love - by Stephen Bohr
- Lessons from the Indiana Camp Meeting - by Stephen Bohr
- The Lesser Light - by Stephen Bohr
- Guidance for the Last Days - by Stephen Bohr
- The Return of the War Hero - by Stephen Bohr
- Who Are The 24 Elders? - by Stephen Bohr
- The Message of Christ Our Righteousness During Earth's Last Crisis, Part 1 - by Steve Wohlberg
- The Message of Christ Our Righteousness During Earth's Last Crisis, Part 2 - by Steve Wohlberg
- A Look at the Physiology of Transformation, Part 1 - by Milton Teske, MD
- A Look at the Physiology of Transformation, Part 2 - by Milton Teske, MD
- Questions & Answers with Stephen Bohr, Steve Wohlberg and Milton Teske, MD
In this series Pastor Bohr deals with hot button issues in contemporary Adventism including, lessons to be learned from the pantheistic crisis in the early 20th century, the holy flesh fanaticism, and the role of the spirit of prophecy in the remnant church. Also he deals with the identity and function of the 24 Elders in the governance of heavenly society.
Steve Wohlberg presents a fascinating series on the righteousness by faith message at the Minneapolis general conference session of 1888.
Dr. Teske presents a series about our character, our conscience, and our choices, explaining how everything that makes us what we are and determines our destiny takes place within the several billion neurons that make up our brains. Learn how changes can take place in the circuits of the brain, and how there is huge potential for change that exists within the mind.
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