The Torch of False Prophecy in Our Pulpits
Author: Louis F. Were | Soft cover - 20 pages
The Lord’s servant has warned Seventh-day Adventists: “Many will stand in our pulpits with the torch of false prophecy in their hands, kindled from the hellish torch of Satan”s Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 409, 410. Loyal Adventists would not knowingly accept false teaching, but when such is presented before them wrapped in sentiment by one of our accredited ministers, they unsuspectingly and trustingly accept it. However, it is wrong for any of God’s people to accept any teaching merely because it is preached from an Adventist pulpit. “No man should be relied upon to think for us…. Each one of us must look to God for Divine enlightenment” Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 109, 110. The author looks at teachings of a military Palestinian Armageddon, and shows how these destroy the truth of Bible prophecy and lead people astray. Though the instances cited are over half a century past, the same teachings abound today, if not more so, hiding the glorious truth of Righteousness by Faith and victory through keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.
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