The Mystic Omega of End-Time Crisis
Author: Carsten Johnsen | Soft Cover - 144 pages
The shaking “Alpha” experience of the Seventh-day Adventist Church around 1900, is now followed by its announced sequel: the dreaded “Omega”.
Is the terminal phenomenon of end time apostasy already endeavoring to sneak into our church? What do we know about the nature of the “Omega”?
Perhaps after you have read the last chapter of this book on unprecedented trends of Vain Intellectualism Creeping into Seventh-day Adventist Education, you will realize more fully why the author (for 10 years a professor of Philosophy and Christian Ethics in the Theological Seminary of Andrews University) believed that the mysterious matter can be pretty clearly identified today.
Then you will also understand why an article of his in the Advent Review “Doctor” or “Brother”? [Advent Review and Sabbath Herald: 1969, v. 146, May 8, pp. 11-12], on which that chapter has been based, was destined to provoke such a remarkable response, on the one hand, ardent approval, on the other hand, harsh remonstration.
A continuation of this book will endeavor, with the help of God and many humble believers in the simple Word of Biblical Wisdom, to tell, in the unassuming way of Christian realism, the part of the story you were probably never told about the “problem” regarding issues like the Investigative Judgment and 1844.
The same author will there be disclosing – still in the radiant light of plain Scriptural realism, placed side by side with some equally plain facts from the history of Western ideas in recent years – incredible things, just now in the process of emerging within circles of Seventh-day Adventist intellectuals.
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