The Dangers of Contemplative Prayer - Book
Author: Howard Peth
What's all the buzz about "contemplative prayer"?
Sooner or later, almost everyone wants to get closer to God. This impulse seems to be part of our instinctive human makeup. We find it in the mystics among the Hindus and Buddhists, and in the Sufis among the Muslims. This natural desire exists among Catholic monks and nuns and Jewish rabbis. Even hardcore atheists and everyday doubters - underneath it all and in their quiet times of reflection - feel an indescribable longing to draw close to the Supreme Being.
So what could possible be wrong with spending quiet time, emptying your mind, and listening for the voice of God?
So many parts of Spiritual Formation and Contemplative Prayer sound good - maybe even familiar. Satan is delighted that his ago-old seductive weapon of spiritualism is now seeping into our churches. In these pages, you will learn to see more clearly the threads of satanic charm that have fascinated men and women for centuries and, by God's grace, you'll be warned against them.
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