
Mind Games - The Dangers of Secular Psychology

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Since the beginning of time, Satan has employed the mind game of mixing truth and error to deceive the world. This is especially true in the area of secular psychology, which has, sadly, captured the minds of many, even in Christianity.

Dr. Magna Parks is a psychologist who was brought from “darkness to light” as it relates to secular psychology. The goal of this series is to present information from God’s Word, true science, and inspired writings to show the difference between Satan’s principles versus God’s principles of psychology.

Part 1 focuses on the pitfalls associated with the idea that we must understand our childhood in order to achieve true emotional/mental healing. It also presents some cautions about psychotherapy as well as a few general principles to consider in coping with a difficult past.

Part 2 looks at the psychological concepts of self-esteem and needs. Principles from God’s Word as well as science are presented to show the truth about how we should view self and respond to the concept of felt needs.

Part 3 focuses on the concepts of unconditional acceptance as well as emotions. The problems with unconditional acceptance are discussed in the light of God’s Word. In addition, the contrast is made between how emotions are viewed in the Word of God versus how they are viewed in secular psychology.

Part 4 looks at specific principles we can apply to help us move away from secular psychology as Christians – both on an individual and corporate level.

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Mind Games
Written by Donna Murray on May 20th 2024

Everyone who is considering going to a secular psychologist should consider getting these DVDs. Secular psychology is indeed dangerous!

Great Content
Written by Andrae Allison on Jun 23rd 2020

Saw one of the presentation on SUMTV and wanted to get the other to get a complete picture of the current field of psychology. Definitely an eye opener and learnt alot that will be useful now and in the future when dealing with different people.

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