Messiah's Genealogies
In this sermon, Pastor Bohr describes how the only way that mankind could be restored to their original kingship and dominion of earth, that Adam lost to Satan at his fall, was for Jesus to take Adam's place as Head of our race by adopting human nature in combination with His divine nature.
Just as Adam was called "the son of God" at his creation (Luke 3:38), so Jesus, in replacing Adam's failure, became the Second Adam and the true Son of God, Who would restore an enslaved humanity to peace with God and freedom from sin and bondage. Only someone from outside of our human family, which is entirely helpless because we are all steeped in sin, could come down, take our family name and save us. The Bible calls Jesus both the Father and the Son of Adam, Abraham and David. He is both our Father, as our Creator, and our son, by His being born in human nature and flesh.
Pastor Bohr discusses some of the Hebrew laws of kinship redemption that illustrate how mankind would be restored by our Elder Brother to our original position we had at Creation. Jesus could only redeem us by taking on human nature, because Satan would have accused Him of acting out a detached formal role-play if He had come only in His God nature and had attempted to save humanity without sharing the experience of their sinful condition. So He inherited our genealogy that was passed on from each generation before Him and became our Blood Brother, so we could be adopted in His Name and be called sons and daughters of God once more. The incarnation shows the universe that He is not ashamed to call us His brethren (Heb. 2:11). God's Christmas Gift to us is Emmanuel, God With Us, providing us the only Way to come back to Him and become part of His family.
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