Commentary on the Book of Daniel - Practical Living in the Judgment Hour
Author: Norman McNulty
287 pages - soft cover
Seventh-day Adventists are a prophetic people with a keen interest in the study of last-day events. The book of Daniel has always been at the heart of the study of Bible prophecy for God's people. The name Daniel itself means God is my judge. Living in the judgment hour naturally draws students of prophecy to a book about the judgment.
While digging deeper into the prophecies about the judgment and the end of the world is essential, it is also amazing to see the practicality of Christian living in this apocalyptic book. In each chapter, the author, Norman McNulty, brings out the practical message of Daniel for God's people living in these last days in addition to digging deeper into the apocalyptic passages.
This book provides commentary on every chapter of Daniel, including Daniel 12.
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