Christ Conquers by Louis F. Were
Soft cover - 160 pages There is a definite connection between the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday, the first day of the week, and the battle of Armageddon. Nothing in all last-day predictions is more clearly taught than that “the final conflict” is to be fought between two Kingdoms — God’s and Satan’s. On the one hand, Satan’s Babylonian forces march under the sign of “the mark of the beast,” while, on the other side, the armies of Jesus march under the banner of “the sign, or the seal, of the living God.” This outline contains some valuable information dealing with the origin and continuance of Sunday and other festivals from the ancient world of sun-worshippers. These help us to more readily understand the significance of the final conflict between truth and error, which involves Christ, spiritual Israel and the Sabbath, on the one side; and Satan, the forces of Babylon and Sun-day worship, on the other side. To properly understand the end of the controversy between Christ and Satan it is necessary to study it from its commencement, and to follow its progress down through history. The principles involved in the controversy are the same today as in the beginning.
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