
Unveiling The Shepherd's Rod

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Author: Ismael Rodriguez - 207 pages, soft cover

Rediscovering the beauty of Adventism

The Word of God clearly states that, “the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17). Simply put, the enemy of souls is angry with the last-day remnant church of Christ, the Seventh-day Adventist Church. And, one way that he has harassed the remnant church is by the emergence of various dissident movements throughout its history; the “Shepherd’s Rod” Davidian movement is one such deceptive movement that has plagued the church since the early 1930s.

In this particular work, author Ismael Rodriguez provides a thorough examination of the doctrinal errors and theological inconsistencies espoused by the Davidian movement. Having been a highly influential figure in the “Shepherd’s Rod” himself at one point in the past, Ismael and his family left after discovering specific doctrinal errors. Therefore, as a result of his first-hand, in-depth experience within this splinter group, Ismael is in a unique position as an authority to expose the deceptions of the “Shepherd’s Rod.” He currently travels extensively, providing spiritual support through both pen and voice to individuals and churches that are being challenged and threatened by the false teachings of Davidian believers.

Overall, this work that you now hold in your hand is the written product of Ismael’s personal, in-depth investigation into the fallacies of “Shepherd’s Rod” theology. Using both the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy as divinely inspired support, this work essentially exposes and refutes the various Davidian heresies in a simple and yet systematic way. As one of the first major compilations of its kind, it is an essential tool for any Seventh-day Adventist Christian, pastor, or church that desires to combat the deadly deceptions of the Davidian movement. A work of this kind is long overdue for Seventh-day Adventists – it is an absolute must for anyone who seeks to expose the theological inconsistencies of the “Shepherd’s Rod” Davidian movement – a group that does “not endure sound doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:3).

Chapter Titles:

  1. "Hooked"
  2. The Crossroads
  3. The Harvest and the Judgment
    The Book of the Dead
  4. Perfect Harmony: Irrefutable Truth. A Pure and Infallible Message
    How Do Angels Travel?
    Will There Be a Sea in the New Earth?
    Defilement of the New Earth
    Victor Houteff: Restorer of ALL Things
    Hats - Part of Present Truth
    God's Revelation or Satan's Manipulation
    To Many Nations or to All the World
    Enoch: The Uninformed Prophet
    He That Dashes in Pieces: Hitler
    The Beast in Revelation 13;1-10 Is Not the Papacy
  5. Victor T. Houteff: Modern Elijah
  6. Showdown Time
  7. Suffering the Little Children
  8. The Storehouse
  9. Adventism Has Fallen
  10. The Palestinian Kingdom: A Worldwide Kingdom Before the Second Coming of Christ
    When and Where Will It Be Established?
    Who Will Sit on The Throne of This Pre-Millennial Kingdom?
  11. The Mighty Stone of Daniel Two
  12. Ezekiel Nine: Door of Hope or Sword of Condemnation?
  13. Review of Other Davidian Beliefs
    The Seven Seals
    The Seven Trumpets
  14. Clad in the Armor of God
  15. To Organize or to Disorganize: That Is the Issue
  16. Helping Davidians Rediscover the Beauty of Adventism


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