The Ancestry of Jesus
What is the reason for the existence of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Is there a unique and distinctive message that we are called to preach which is different from what is found in all other churches? Is it self-righteous snobbery to claim to have "the truth"?
Pastor Bohr answers these questions by explaining that there is a special message of "present truth", appropriate for the time in which it is to be given, which His people are called to proclaim to the world at each time that Jesus has added an additional function to His ministry in the plan of salvation, as is illustrated by the four compartments of the Hebrew sanctuary service which foreshadowed His ministry of salvation. Of all denominations, only Seventh-day Adventists are preaching, not only the message of His substitutionary perfect life on earth where He came to live among us, as illustrated by the camp surrounding the sanctuary; not only His substitutionary death on the cross, as illustrated by the courtyard; not only His work of applying the benefits of His atonement to those who accept Him as Lord and Savior, as illustrated by the Holy Place where He ascended to after His sojourn on earth; but we have been called out in these last days to proclaim the full gospel message of "present truth" for this time. This message is found in the Three Angels' Message of Revelation 14:6-13, which reveals that we are in the period of the investigative judgment and Day of Atonement work of Jesus, which is now going on in heaven in the Most Holy Place. We Christians are still called to preach the vital truths illustrated by the other compartments of the sanctuary as well. But Jesus has an additional and special Most Holy Place judgment message given especially for these last days, which is to prepare a people to stand protected against Satan's cunning deceptions just before Jesus comes again. If we tone down or neglect preaching that message because it is unpopular, we might as well pack up our bags and join those who have not followed Jesus in His sanctuary work for the salvation of the world. Pastor Bohr shows how there are some today in our church who are trying to reapply the time periods for the seven churches and seven trumpets of Revelation, thus dislocating the message of the "shut and open" sanctuary doors and the Laodicean judgment message given especially for this time. Others are saying we should become more ecumenical and not proclaim our differences so much. The devil is doing all he can to hide the door that Jesus opened to the Most Holy Place in 1844. This sermon discusses the special truths for this time that are found by examining the meaning of what is in the ark of the covenant located behind that open door. It also discusses what is meant by the kingdom and judgment thrones scene found in Daniel 7 and why there is a need for an investigative judgment before Jesus comes back. It will encourage you to hold our unique message up high because it is Jesus' present truth for this time and not to lower it out of embarrassment of being called different or out of seeking the world's approval and acceptance.There are no reviews yet.
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