Daughters of Inheritance Program - MP3 Single
This is an important, very interesting and well-documented panel discussion on whether or not women should be ordained as pastors or church elders. Today, in many denominations, the issue of ordination has become a subject of much debate. This presentation reveals amazing, eye-opening truths that all Adventists need to be aware of.
It asks the questions:
What is the meaning of ordination and what does it involve?
What are the qualifications listed in Scripture needed for ordaining pastors and elders?
How do pastors and elders differ?
Was Ellen White ever ordained to the ministry?
Does she have anything to say about the role women should play in the church?
What does she say about some of the women's rights movements of her day?
Can women do a work for God just as important as a pastor's work?
Why does the Bible give religious headship to men and isn't that unfair and discriminatory?
Does subjection mean inferior and unequal and why was Christ made subject to His Father?
Is there any connection between the push for women's ordination and the inroads of spiritualism steadily creeping into society and the church?
What does the Bible mean when it says: "Rebellion is as witchcraft" (1 Sam 15:23) and how does the story of Korah illustrate this?
Are Paul's teachings on women's roles in the church just a matter of following the culture of his time?
What role did women play in the culture of Egypt that the Israelites had come out of?
How does the Godhead illustrate the relationship in roles that men and women should have and that pastors and members of the church should have?
Are churches that are no longer following God's laws in marriage and headship successful or declining?
How are some leaders in our own church using backhanded methods to get around the SDA Church's official teachings on the subject?
This discussion will show that this issue involves much more than what is seen at first glance and will reveal one of the many ways satan is trying to overthrow the church of God in these end times. "Why may they (women) not understand their own powers, and realizing that these powers are given of God, strive to make use of them to the fullest extent in doing good to others, in advancing the work of reform, of truth and real goodness in the world? Satan knows that women have a power of influence for good or for evil; therefore he seeks to enlist them in his cause" (Ev 467). You will learn in this discussion that "the Scriptures are plain upon the relations and rights of men and women" (1T 421).
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