A Drop of Grace
Author: Dennis Page | 188 pages, soft cover
A personal journey of salvation.
Not growing up in a Christian home and influenced by the enemy of souls at a young age, my character was formed to represent that of Satan. Without a real knowledge of God, I lived for self. Materialism and pleasure were my main pursuits in life. As a drug user and dealer for more than 20 years, I came to the point of having no regard for human life. I lived to get and gain at the expense of others. As I became involved in spiritualism, I thought I had tapped into the ultimate supernatural power, which seemed to help me avoid the task force and FBI who were seeking to take me down. When I could sink no lower in wickedness and sin, when loneliness and emptiness enveloped my soul, God stepped in, sending an angel to push back the forces of darkness, and shed light upon my darkened mind.
About the author:
Dennis Page has been sharing over the years his experiences of God's personal interventions in his life and His power to transform a sinner's life. He loves sharing his experiences of a relationship with Jesus Christ as his Redeemer, Savior, and Friend. He has a passion for mission and seeing God's kingdom grow. He is a graduate of Mission College of Evangelism and is continuing his studies at Andrews University. He is currently serving as a pastor in Michigan with his wife Melody and son Travis.
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